About MotionMasters
Stories tell us of what we already knew and forgot, and remind us of what we haven’t yet imagined. – Anne Watson

The one-room office was small and sparsely furnished. There were just a couple of us with one phone, a rented camera and no editing system.
But we had Journalism degrees, TV news backgrounds and ad agency
experience. We also had talent and determination. So we took our story
to prospective clients and did what we said we would do for them:
produce results.
Thirty-some years (and a lot of hard work) later, we’re the writers,
producers, designers, editors, shooters—the storytellers—of MotionMasters.
We not only own a fine editing system now, we own a couple of them! The cameras (the latest in HD technology) also are ours.

We tell stories because it’s the most appealing and effective method for training or motivating employees, encouraging donations or convincing people to buy your products and services. We’ll demonstrate the power of storytelling through commercials, brochures, fliers, documentaries, educational videos, corporate video presentations and more. We’ll also help you unleash the power of the story to reach your target audience and carry out your strategic objectives.
We’ve won for the stories we’ve created for our clients, but we believe that achieving results for them is the greatest reward. And we’ll do whatever it takes to get the story that produces those results. We’ve circled the globe, suspended ourselves from airplanes, trekked steep terrain, burrowed deep into the West Virginia coal mines and explored space-age composite materials to tell our clients’ stories. Our screen tales have aired on PBS, CSPAN, ESPN, Inside Edition, America’s Funniest People and The Outdoor Channel.
Technology changes … but there are certain storytelling attributes that are never outdated: quality, value, creativity, clarity and staying power. Count on us to tell your story in a way that people will want to hear it, see it and act on it.