If you could cash in on a marketing tool that’s affordable, effective and still ahead of the trend, you would, right? Online video is all that and more.
Why online video works so well
A simple three-minute video on your Web site can sell, influence, persuade, inform, explain or introduce products, services and staff. It can be a demonstration, a quick lesson, a life story, a limited-time offer or testimonials from clients and customers. It can even be crazy and weird and go viral. But most of all, video is personal and it’s a sure-fire way to connect with visitors to your Web site.
Online video gives your firm an advantage over competitors without Web videos. Once visitors get to your site and see you or your staff in action, they’re more likely to become engaged with whatever you have to tell—or—sell them. Showing somebody something almost always trumps telling somebody about something.
Who uses Web video?
Companies of all sizes and types can make good use of online video, especially if your product, service or offer translates well to a visual message. Consumer goods or business-to-business services generally fit within this category. But so do attorneys, physicians, real estate agents and financial advisers. “Meet” your potential customer, client—even a future patient— with a video on your Web site and earn instant credibility.
To keep your video from having too much of a home-made look and feel, it’s wise to have it shot and edited professionally. We can help you with budget, script, props, wardrobe and everything else you need to make your online video boost that bottom line. Remember, it’s not a vanity piece (although you will be proud of the way it works for you); online video is an investment that’s sure to garner a strong return.
See some of our online video work at www.MotionMasters.com or give Diana Sole Walko a call at 304-345-8800 to talk about putting online video to work for you.